Please click on the link below for a virtual tour of the school.

On behalf of all the staff, children, parents and governors, I would like to welcome you to Woodlands Primary School. Woodlands is a one form entry primary school in Borehamwood that caters for children from Nursery age to Year 6. We run a Nursery that can cater 15 or 30 hours.
Woodlands is located in a pleasant setting with spacious grassed areas, a playing field and conservation area. We have two playgrounds with up to date climbing frame equipment and an attractive pond area that the children help to maintain. Our Early Years Foundation Stage children have a stimulating enclosed playground and conservation area with covered hard play and grassed areas.
Teachers and teaching assistants work together to ensure quality teaching and exciting learning opportunities
Woodlands is a very welcoming school with a 'friendly feel’. We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of our pupils and aim to provide the highest quality education for all our children in a supportive, caring and inclusive learning environment. Teachers and teaching assistants work together to ensure quality teaching. We aim to build upon the children's own experiences, providing exciting learning opportunities, through our creative curriculum, that enable our children to flourish and achieve their best.
Woodlands has an active group of parents, governors and other members of the community who regularly help in school, supporting a wide range of activities. WSSPA are an active group of parent fundraisers, who have helped finance many facilities and events at school, through a variety of popular events. All funds raised are fed back into school to benefit all children - so please get involved; feel part of the team and support their excellent work!
Woodlands is a wonderful school in which to learn and work and we are very proud of our school’s achievements. Whether you are already a parent at our school, joining us soon, or just trying to find out about us, I hope that as you browse through our website you will gain an insight as to all that we do and offer.
Miss R Woode
Head Teacher
For more information on our school, please click on any of the links below:
Click here for School Information Booklet
Click here for the Nursery Information Booklet